Taking a page from over-the-top styles like punk, glitter and heavy metal, Mr. Shears dresses up, not down, to go on.
Like the opera star, who died in 1977, Ms. LuPone has a powerful, unconventional voice and an over-the-top emotional style.
In this over-the-top style of production, excesses are unavoidable.
Kirk Rademaker - Designs abstract, mechanical pieces in the sand with his over-the-top style.
He is perhaps best remembered for his over-the-top dramatic style, which involves heavy use of metaphor, puns and advanced vocabulary.
It features a colorful and over-the-top visual style, including such settings as an amusement park.
Main characters tend to be broadly drawn archetypes acted in an over-the-top style, with the good guys and bad guys clearly signaled.
These attacks exemplify the over-the-top style for which the creators are known.
"Face/Off," on the other hand, had a wildly over-the-top style from the start and kept its bizarre elements very much in the service of its tricky story.