Sundermann said Scott's slightly over-the-top performance was made especially funny because he is normally such a straight man character.
The extremely farfetched solution to the murder mystery is not helped by a shrill, over-the-top performance from the perpetrator.
Her over-the-top performance and shrill voice helped her land the role, and she remained with the series through its 7th season.
The hokey special effects and the over-the-top performances make me howl with laughter.
Landau did not want to deliver an over-the-top performance.
The judges said that it was an over-the-top performance.
In this over-the-top performance, occasional glitches in ensemble merely add to the excitement.
The film is considered high camp with its bizarre conventions and over-the-top performances but has a loyal following among fans and critics alike.
Charles Laughton's over-the-top performance as the ultimate Southern senator is itself worth the rental fee.
But, with its Hopperlike moments, over-the-top performances and infectious music, it carries you along for a spell.