But retinol, a less potent vitamin A offshoot, soon began to appear in over-the-counter preparations.
There are over-the-counter preparations containing the drug simethicone that can reduce gas cramps.
Should I go ahead and try one of the over-the-counter preparations to see if my symptoms go away?
These include reading a thermometer, checking pulse rates and administering over-the-counter preparations correctly.
Minor cases of this can usually be treated with over-the-counter preparations.
Because the side effects of cold remedies can be more severe in children, pediatricians are cautious about recommending either prescription or over-the-counter preparations.
"I don't know of any other over-the-counter preparation that has shown that kind of consistent effect."
But most patients never see those warnings, because they are not included with over-the-counter preparations.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter preparations.
If you wonder whether you should use any of the over-the-counter preparations available for diarrhea, ask your doctor.