How can economy can work properly with over 20% unemployment ?
Massive demonstrations to express frustration over unemployment took place in March 2009.
France's sluggish economy has led to protests over state spending cuts and high unemployment.
Despite presiding over large-scale unemployment the Conservatives were returned to office by huge majorities.
Many said their concerns over crime, unemployment and immigration were not being addressed.
Defending "social stability" has been the first principle of China's leaders, who were already on edge over growing unemployment and economic inequality.
And there is the desperation over unemployment, poverty and corruption.
As a result of Israel's illegal blockade, 300 000 people live on less than a dollar a day and there is over 40% unemployment.
The Socialists' gains had less to do with their party's message than with popular frustration over unemployment and anger at the government's economic policies.
On 3 January 2011, protests in Thala over unemployment and a high cost of living turned violent.