At a minimum, the fight over the referendum has tied politics here into an exquisitely baroque knot.
It has narrowed somewhat, to more than 400 basis points now, but it was only 150 points before concern over the referendum arose.
Ms. Hauss said her group was considering a lawsuit over the referendum but added that she remained hopeful that some compromise could be reached.
In Canada, he arrived in time to see the nation confront its fragile identity over the referendum on Quebec's secession.
During that cabinet meeting, a number of ministers expressed concerns over the referendum.
The Egyptian military called for a media silence over the referendum.
After the prime minister's humiliating volte-face over the referendum his own MPs this morning are busy quoting him.
The invitation follows a week of political debate over the referendum which has seen the UK and Scottish governments clash.
"Whatever gyrations Canada has to go through to get over the referendum, the worst is over."
"The government could spend the next six months in a crisis, and Parliament will be in crisis over the referendum."