An inaugural conference was held at the Victoria Memorial Hall, attended by over 1,500 supporters and trade unionists.
Over 300 supporters, officials and ex players attended the dinner which saw the Team of the Century named.
They were also assisted by the local First Iconium Baptist Church which held a meeting that over 300 supporters attended.
The effort is still going strong, with over 82,000 supporters who have signed up online.
Activists within the movement claim over 40,000 active supporters.
They visited numerous colleges and signed up over 2000 new supporters.
A-League crowds have averaged 10,947 in 2005-06 and over 12,000 supporters attending in both 2006-07 and 2007-08 seasons.
She and others held a rally after its passage that contained over 5,000 supporters.
The fund received over 25,000 supporters, over 2,500 donations, and more donation dollars than any other Japan relief cause (including the Red Cross) on
In 2010, the sponsor list included over 50 supporters.