The total for the Wujing collection alone totals over 85 references.
It includes over 800 references to furniture, 400 plus images and 14 video clips that include interviews with top designer makers.
The 2002 review assessed over 700 references.
The library has over 200,000 references, books, and maps related to geophysical topics.
The library contains over 19,000 books, 250 magazine titles, 8900 visual references, and thousands of unique items.
The science citation index lists over 6300 references to his papers.
It contains over 90,000 references to documents in all refrigeration domains.
The song contains over 20 references to Poe's work and life.
It contains over 10000 up-to-date references in scientific and engineering branches.
There have been over 75 federal references since 1892.