At the end of 1932 the circulation of the weekly was over 40,000 readers.
The magazine went weekly in 2000; after a rocky start, it now reaches over 11 million readers a week.
At the height of their popularity, these strips attracted over 100 million readers every day.
The site reports to have over 70,000 readers each month per Facebook.
Country Home, which was launched in 1984, was published 10 times a year and each issue had over 8.3 million readers.
The magazine has an international readership that includes over 20,000 readers.
Having over 800,000 readers, it claims to be the second largest newspaper of the country.
By January 2008 over 1.5 million readers were using
The magazine claims to have over 75,000 readers per month.
From 1920 to 1926, she was the home economics editor of the Delineator, a popular women's magazine that reached over two million readers.