Struthers authored over 70 manuscripts and books, including the following.
Today the library contains over 42,000 books, 5,000 manuscripts and other items, which date from 1473 to 1910.
In all there are over 400 surviving manuscripts from the period, of which about 189 are considered "major".
There are over 100 manuscripts of the story across Europe, as well as many additional translations.
Over 7000 manuscripts written in Carolingian script survive from the 8th and 9th centuries alone.
It contains over four million books, 70,000 manuscripts, 500,000 letters, and 125,000 maps.
"We get over three thousand unsolicited manuscripts a year," one of the agents had said.
The Library also contains over 1,000 other rare manuscripts, and approximately 2,000 pamphlets.
Its website further stated that the company received over 70 manuscripts a day and rejected most of them.
Five years after that, she had finished over ten manuscripts and finally sold one.