In the same year, after a dispute over rent, Wagner was expelled from university and imprisoned.
Prosecutors have said that landlord and boarder argued over unpaid rent.
This was due to a long running dispute with the landlord over rent.
He has been to court with no fewer than 17 of his 70-odd tenants in battles over back rent and eviction.
Instead, the shooting appears to have originated in a dispute over rent, officials said yesterday.
Following a dispute with the ground's owners over rent, Albion left and the ground was not used for three years.
And the disputes are almost always over unpaid rent, almost never over repairs.
The marriage had fallen apart amid squabbling over the house and rent.
The college has also had a tumultuous relationship with the city recently over rent for its downtown buildings, including an attempted eviction in 2003.
The debate over rent is intensifying this year, after a long period of modest increases.