Fuller claimed that his map had several advantages over other projections for world maps.
On the other hand the House proposed increasing military spending more than $90 billion over current projections to $1.9 trillion over seven years.
The book consisted of 30 team essays, over 1,000 player comments, and projections for each player.
The haggling over economic projections is just a warm-up to the larger fight over the state's budget for the year beginning April 1.
But "if more is needed," over projections of $4 billion to $6 billion, he said, "I will support it all."
Standard & Poor's also expresses strong concern over "optimistic projections of additional state and Federal aid or mandate relief."
The coating is uniform, even over sharp projections.
The $59 billion budget includes a $4.7 billion surplus, a $300 million increase over earlier projections.
The delay will add millions to the cost of a project that is already more than $1.1 billion over initial projections.
What is blocking the bill giving the Government authority to spend money temporarily is a disagreement over dollar amounts and economic projections.