The right wing also have strong criticism over the left's "partner for peace".
Triplett held a two-stroke lead over his playing partner, Parnevik, as they teed off on the final hole.
"It's time" Ben was already on his feet, stepping over his partner toward the car door.
When it was over her partner led her to a chair.
He refuses to tell Reich the truth about the dreams, believing this gives him a hold over his partner in crime.
Each time the music calls for a dip, the man leans over his partner and tells a profoundly bad joke.
He yelled and jumped back, knocking over his partner while he flailed wildly.
But Officer Murphy fell protectively over his partner and fired back, apparently striking two of the assailants, the police said.
The problem is particularly acute when the party seeking sexual favors-usually a man-is in a position of authority over his desired partner.
He stands over his partner at the end, but she has worn him out.