In the 1960s, there were concerns over the fleet's capable lifespan.
Over its eleven-year lifespan, the company produced about 100,000 cars.
Has it held up well over its 50-year lifespan?
These structures weakened over their lifespan leading to increased risk of collapse.
That is then equated to a 170-pound person over their 70-year lifespan at a standard of only about 5 parts per billion.
Over its lifespan, the building hosted a catering kitchen and a talk radio station.
It has released five generations of 4G-technology over the company's nine-year lifespan.
Over his long lifespan, he's made many fledglings from women he was attracted to.
By 2010 Yodlee was said to have raised at least $116 million over its 10-year lifespan.
The city has experienced a highly inconsistent rate of growth over its lifespan.