To this, the local clergy protest, because they no longer have any sway over their flock.
Although the abbot of a monastery exercised a certain administrative authority over his flock, he was ultimately no 'higher' spiritually than they.
Then the wall swept over him and his flock.
Your experiences are the quite opposite of all these things when you are watching over your flock.
He paused to look out over his flock and nodded with pride to see them staring unflinchingly back at him.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
The boys in the band wandered away, perhaps to keep watch over their flock by night or to compare tattoos.
It was as if he were indeed watching over his flock.
The process created a crisis for the church, as it struggled to maintain authority over its American flock.
That was an improvement over the Shepherd and his flock.