Half a century later Tikal was able to gain major victories over Calakmul's most important allies.
He achieved substantial victories over the Persians and their allies in the Caucasus and Armenia.
John's attempt to defeat Philip in 1214 failed due to the French victory over John's allies at the battle of Bouvines.
But to such unresting vigilance over their dangerous allies was this small .
It seemed a reasonable bargain in which each superpower could exert restraint over its regional allies.
Each superpower's dominance over its associated allies rested on its ability to provide a nuclear umbrella.
Christian activists however have an advantage over their secular allies.
Another 14 percent believed that the leaders' real concern was "fear of losing control over Russia's former allies."
Yet Mr. Sharon, the leading advocate of settlement building for decades, has been unable to win over his traditional right-wing allies.
In the hours of daylight that remained, Paks looked over their allies.