The recriminations were brief, there was no point in going over past errors.
Control over such errors declined during the latter half of the nineteenth century, and was only 'rediscovered' 100 years later.
Discussion of the databank is part of a larger debate over medical errors and the quality of care.
Rising sea levels, compression of the mountain over the years and previous errors account for the 10-foot difference, they said.
They preside over mistakes and glaring errors but somehow come out smelling of roses.
He was questioned over errors in his Post Office accounts in 1748, but remained paymaster until 1755.
One high school teacher reported over 20% errors in the grade 11 science test for 1996, that is, errors in the test itself!
But staying in the past, brooding over past errors, will just get the doctor- and his patient- into a rut.
He doesn't get down over errors or bad at-bats.
The aggressive approach by Green was the latest in the manager's reign of terror over errors.