On the third day, the prince ordered an oven heated in the bakery and told his parents he would not go.
He laid the dough down in a red-brick oven heated by coal and wood.
Normally, the potatoes are baked with spices, peppers and curry leaves in an oven heated by cow patties.
Keep oven heated to 400 degrees.
The unbaked crust went into the oven immediately after the oven was turned on and baked for 10 minutes as the oven heated.
After being crushed, this product is dehydrated in a rotary oven heated either directly or indirectly by burning hydrogen.
By eight o clock the valley was warm, and by nine it was hot, ksd by ten it was like an oven heated by carbon arcs.
It is said, on unquestionable authority, that he remained a considerable time in an oven heated to 65 degrees or 70 degrees, (178-189 degrees Fahr.)
"Wood-fired pizzas", that is, those cooked in a ceramic oven heated by wood fuel, are well-regarded.
When a recipe calls for an oven heated to 450 to 500 degrees, the dish should be cooked at that temperature; the oven should be sufficiently preheated.