Black plum tomatoes live up to their name: they are small, sweet and dark oval fruit with an intriguing smokiness.
The tree is 4-12 m tall and the white flowers, about 10mm wide, become black, oval fruits measuring 7-12 mm.
Small, oval fruits develop, which are orange in colour and may be up to 1.5 cm long.
Blake has a smaller more oval fruit, and the flavor is considered inferior.
Green to pink oval fruits are produced; the outside coat is covered with woolly hairs.
It is a tree of varying size with a dark bark, shiny leaves, and orange oval fruit.
These are followed in late summer by oval red fruits ripening to black in autumn.
They are followed by small oval fruit.
Flattened oval fruit follow, which measure 3.5-4 by 3 cm.
The flowers are white or pinkish and the oval fruit is brown and attracts birds.