If the average age at school entry is 4.5 years this gives an outward migration rate of 12.5% a year (95% confidence interval 10.8% to 14.4%).
While current figures show the average stay of francophones in the region is increasing, the trend towards outward migration continues.
As a result, the Native population declined drastically throughout the 17th century through a combination of disease, starvation, and outward migration.
This was the beginning of the outward migration from Safe Harbour.
A similar outward migration of white families had taken place throughout the eastside neighborhoods of Detroit.
In other words, a net outward migration of almost 8,000 people.
In 1960, the town's population was nearly 10,000, but high unemployment rates and poor living conditions, including pollution from nearby industries, has caused significant outward migration.
This reduction was mostly due to outward migration and suburbanization.
Iraq has had a long history of outward migration of its citizens for both political and economic reasons, beginning most heavily in the 1940s.
Its weak spot is the rural countryside, particularly municipalities experiencing strong outward migration.