You see, it's not simply an outward change.
It's not an outward change, but's it's a new birth within!
Krenn thought perhaps the Human's hair had become whiter, but there was no great outward change.
Despite all the outward physical changes, there were plenty of interior ones as well.
Only a fortunate handful seemed to have undergone no outward change at all.
Most of the homosexuals who were interviewed said that lifting the ban would probably mean few outward changes in their lives.
Comparison of photographs taken of the street side of the station in the early 1900s and the 1970s show little outward change.
The most notable outward change from the Honda was the appearance of a central badge on the grille.
There will also be many outward changes, and we will gain additional responsibilities in our international role.
Physical growth is slower than in the first 2 years of life, but the outward changes can be dramatic.