I was really no one, if a moderately successful no one, and there weren't any single truly outstanding genetic traits in my background.
In the warm months Zurich even manages to smile, although twinkling bonhomie isn't usually considered an outstanding trait of its citizens.
Love of freedom is his outstanding trait.
Oz's most outstanding trait is his detached, ironic approach to life, masking a deeply philosophical interior and a very devoted, gentle nature.
Woodford was "able to use both feet with equal facility" whose "outstanding traits (were) his industry and mobility".
It may sound a little unusual, but her outstanding trait on the golf course is maturity.
In the Alimentive the outstanding trait which wins love is his sweet disposition.
Whatever their story, they all share several outstanding traits: courage, stoicism and a firmly held belief that morality and right must triumph.
Lt. Bush is also a good follower with outstanding disciplinary traits and an impeccable military bearing.