He graduated in 1981 with outstanding scores at the top of his class as one of the best fighter pilots of the JNA.
Stephen-Argyle is notable for its outstanding scores on standardized tests.
The current military leadership, eager to improve the image of the armed forces, has also been working behind the scenes to resolve outstanding scores.
This performance featured his outstanding original score, "Endurance," based on Shackleton's attempt to reach the South Pole.
I settled all my old outstanding scores, and began the world anew.
I was primarily concerned about the mobility line, but that's where this unit really earns an 'outstanding' score.
The musical won the Novello Award for outstanding score of the year and the Critics' Poll as best new British musical.
The outstanding scores were for geology, regional resources, environment and setting.
In training, the two got along well, and Karpov made the outstanding score of 10/11.
An outstanding score of 10/13 won him the board 3 gold medal.