Coach Jack Curran of Molloy feels that James's many outstanding qualifications made him a prize for any college.
Art Vandalay/Digital Vision/Getty Images To take your place in a classroom at the college of your choice, you'll have to beat out other students with outstanding qualifications.
Both Federalists and Bucktails recognized his outstanding qualification for the office.
He realized at the beginning that he hadn't been selected as Trevayne's liaison because of any outstanding qualifications.
With her outstanding qualifications, she maintained a high academic standard.
Students must qualify scholastically and demonstrate outstanding qualifications in the areas of leadership, service, and character.
"One of my many outstanding qualifications for an undercover cop."
Despite shortages of qualified nurses during the war, the navy was able to hold to its standards and enroll nurses of outstanding qualifications and experience.
In order to secure someone with outstanding qualifications and experience for this demanding appointment, an attractive and fully competitive remunerations package, and substantial performance bonus, will be negotiated.
More and more watchmen trained by the City Watch prefer to work in other cities abroad where they can earn good money thanks to their outstanding qualification and ethics.