Throughout the following season he was in outstanding form.
After starting the 2010-2011 season with outstanding form, Boyd suffered a shoulder injury which keep him out of action for eight weeks.
The outstanding form of Cross continued as he managed more than 20 disposals in every game until Round 16.
The school was described in its 2006 Ofsted report as "outstanding with an outstanding sixth form".
Severino is known for her excellent dance qualities, outstanding form and charismatic performances.
Thus the lay vocation will be included a novel and outstanding form of the apostolate.
He has started this season showing his outstanding form already securing half centuries.
And on the occasions they did manage to create openings, they found Goram in outstanding form.
The two horses came into the race with outstanding form.
He continued his outstanding form throughout the 2012 season, playing predominantly as a tagger and midfielder depending on the opposition.