Since 1998, the Croatian Library Association presents the Eva Verona Award for "outstanding dedication to work, innovative practice and promotion of library profession".
The annual award is given to an athletic director who has demonstrated superior administrative abilities and shown outstanding dedication to college athletics and particularly college football.
His outstanding dedication and generosity to our synagogue will be sorely missed.
Benshaw's success is attributed to superior service to meet their customer needs, continued research and development of new, more efficient products and outstanding dedication of their valued employees.
Anna Vernia, a beautiful young nurse, receives a medal of recognition for her outstanding dedication to her patients at the medical center where she works.
What remains unchanged is the outstanding dedication of the men and women working to make the 162nd Fighter Wing one of the finest fighter training wings in the world.
The Alliance for Community Media also honored TV3 for its outstanding dedication to public access in the city of Medford.
Awarded for outstanding dedication and service to the Princeton Rugby Football Club.
Thanks to his outstanding dedication, to generous supporters and to the work of many volunteers, the Gardens survived for everybody's enjoyment.
Khadija was referred as the role model to pupils for outstanding dedication and commitment to excellence in the classroom and student body.