He was an outstanding contributor in the 1951 and 1952 premiership winning sides.
Nominees must be members of the Society of Radiographers (or retired from active service and membership), or non-members who are outstanding contributors to the profession.
In 1995, Evarts received the AHMA Pioneer Award, which recognizes outstanding contributors to the holistic health movement.
In July 2005, she was honored by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as an outstanding contributor to civil and human rights in Houston.
Through their programs and activities Young Muslims Canada wants to nurture God-conscious Muslim youth who are outstanding contributors to Canadian society.
The prize recognizes outstanding contributors to planetary science, and is awarded annually to scientists whose lifetime achievements have most advanced our understanding of planetary systems.
The awards recognize persons who have been outstanding contributors to the writing community.
One of the outstanding contributors to Vedem was "nz," or Petr Ginz (1928-1944), who at 14 was editor-in-chief of the magazine.
The recipient is chosen for "an outstanding contributor to the field of materials physics, who is noted for the quality of his/her research, review articles and lecturing."
The purpose of the award is to honour worthy individuals who have been outstanding contributors, innovators and leaders in field ornithology in Australia and its territories.