You have any idea, Blue, of how many outstanding charges I got against me back home?
The housing agency would give an owner four months to correct the violations and pay all outstanding charges.
The 16-year old had been released from jail despite the notable issue of having 38 outstanding criminal charges pending against him.
Patients are at time unfairly dropped from their health plans, and then have to deal with outstanding charges that multiply rapidly.
There were a number of other outstanding charges.
She was given the option of having outstanding charges dropped in exchange for her participation on the team.
But as a percentage of outstanding charges, delinquencies fell to 1.96 percent, from 2.04 percent.
You haven't reached your majority yet, and you have an outstanding charge on you.
There aren't any charges outstanding on me here, are there?
The man at least must be in receipt of a net income above the minimum wage, after any outstanding charges against him have been paid.