Breedlove was identified as an "outspoken liberal" who was "never in doubt about where he stands-nor reluctant to make it known."
Interestingly enough, many economists, including some outspoken liberals, think the poor nations are right.
In the six years since, she has been a reliably outspoken liberal from a state that is less so, and never managed to lift her job approval ratings above 50 percent.
We need outspoken liberals who are convinced that left is right.
In recent years, he has attracted attention as an outspoken political liberal as well as for several public outbursts.
Many outspoken liberals regarded King William I's rule as despotic.
Most people here do not agree with him,' " the outspoken liberal said.
Pollestad is an outspoken liberal who has been one of Norway's best known Catholics for many years, frequently appearing as a commentator on Catholic issues in national media.
Upon taking office, Javits resumed his role as the most outspoken Republican liberal in Congress.
From the beginning, political analysts predicted that Ms. Boxer, an outspoken liberal in a moderate, wildly diverse state, would face a tough race.