And at the Wednesday confab, some outsiders to the industry were wondering too.
An outsider might wonder why lesbians need specialized care, but the clinic's doctors and some patients say that lesbians do.
An outsider might wonder why this should please him so much, but no matter; it just did.
Viewing this from long distance, outsiders may wonder what all the fuss is about.
Still, outsiders wonder whether the morale of Kidder's employees will suffer now that they are part of a large and diversified company.
Other outsiders wonder whether Kidder's base of investment banking clients, who have always confided their deepest secrets in the firm, will be eroded.
An outsider might wonder why all these details caused a fuss.
And whites reacted with such astonishment that an outsider could wonder whether the two races were living in the same town at all.
His brother-officers could be relied on to know that, even if outsiders wondered.
Why, an outsider might wonder, would a station devoted to music resist telling its listeners what they were hearing?