Apart from the monitors, few outsiders are paying much attention.
The 450 outsiders pay $2,700 a year to play.
The outsiders paid little attention.
Because of this, he became the outsider in this new family and no one paid any attention to him.
While outsiders pay tuition ranging from $750 to $2,000, employees pay nothing.
As usual, few outsiders are paying attention, so the Governor and the lawmakers feel little pressure to compromise.
If it reaches levels of horror, as in the Balkans and Rwanda, ultimately outsiders may pay attention.
He said that market prices were currently about half what they were 10 years ago when outsiders were paying $55,000 for one-bedroom units.
That's why outsiders pay so much for the high-priced talent here.
A new risk committee, made up of board members, would be established to review project financing, particularly when outsiders would pay part of the costs.