With the number of environmental regulations escalating, companies have naturally turned to outside services for help and advice.
Lawyers in particular wring their hands over employees using outside e-mail services.
They cover everything from changing the way things are done in the home to school plans and outside services.
You wouldn't give that kind of personal information to an outside secretarial service, would you?
"The other side of the coin is that many families will continue to endure, and will only use outside services when they need them."
For the past seven or eight years, we've had an outside service conducting the checks.
We can buy all the outside services we need right in the county.
Some companies don't want to entrust sensitive internal communications to outside services.
During tight times, midsize businesses can more easily budget for outside services than using in-house workers.
In addition, the broadcast media placement will be handled by an outside media-buying service.