Only so much can be done by outside professionals.
Reliance on the judgments of outside professionals can be used as a defense in a criminal fraud case.
And holding outside professionals fully accountable for their actions may help prevent the next financial scandal.
They do not want to be dependent on outside professionals.
Universities with medical schools may be better equipped to steer students to outside professionals.
While the family still owns more than 38 percent of the company stock, it turned daily management over to outside professionals in the early 1970's.
Part of the attraction for students is the chance to work with outside professionals who are invited to the school each year.
Few artists actually oppose co-productions; on the contrary, most value the opportunity to work with outside professionals.
Since the Club's separation from the music department, the post has been held by faculty, students, and outside professionals.
Companies do not generally invest their pension money themselves, but instead farm out the work to an array of outside professionals.