China's presence was enjoyed by perhaps 10,000 red-clad fans taking a soccer holiday outside their homeland.
Though rare, it remains the only known Malaysian dog breed to live outside its homeland.
Come to me in the fire, as all those who venture outside our homeland must, and let me ease your trouble.
Today over 4 million Circassians live outside their homeland in over 40 countries across of the world.
The only serious German force will be baseless outside its homeland.
Skinwalkers were a demonic terror little known outside Suvrin's homeland.
Katrina had been lured across the ocean by the prospect of exploring a country outside her depressed homeland.
Germany was a key territory for the group and helped them to score successful hit records outside their homeland.
When Gerzso died he was still largely unknown outside his homeland.
Balloting by about 350,000 Croats living outside their homeland began a day before voting in Croatia.