Normally, the Supreme Court only hears cases that are outside of another court's subject-matter jurisdiction.
This choice of vault locations is offered to help investors save in gold and silver, outside of their national jurisdiction.
For one thing, he'd say, What the hell are you doing, questioning people outside of your jurisdiction?
This was a federal execution, outside of the state's jurisdiction, and the last execution to be performed in Michigan.
Instead, he went to the local police to report the accident, but was told it was outside of their jurisdiction.
This qualifies the team to receive reimbursement if they travel outside of their jurisdiction.
These matters fall outside of my jurisdiction as your federal representative.
Bregan D'aerthe now has eyes beyond the city, where we might watch all mounting threats that are outside of our immediate jurisdiction.
You told me, not just a few hours ago, that this matter was outside of your jurisdiction!
Second, because I am outside of your jurisdiction.