The pressure to ban the group is coming almost completely from outside nations.
Not all experts on Iraq think that an eruption of civil war will necessarily draw in outside nations.
What are the obligations of outside nations to help, if Ethiopia is spending its own money fighting Eritrea?
That doctrine rejects the intervention of outside nations in the hemisphere.
Though the contested territory itself is relatively inconsequential, the fear among outside nations is largely over the potential loss of human life.
Each outside nation has interests in Congo - security, financial or both.
No one, especially not any Muslim, would ever accept any outside nation's forced changes.
Soldiers of outside nations, slow to react as the war escalated, patrol those still volatile lines.
"An outside nation can't make you be a soldier," Manera said.
Now, a new consensus has begun to emerge among many outside nations and certainly among Somalis themselves: something needs to be done.