Members fear that an outside institution might not heed the credit union's original mission of community reinvestment.
Plans are also being made to turn over the management of the fund to an outside financial institution.
Some 20 students are asked to stay on in an accredited program of training, though academic high school studies are completed at outside institutions.
Churches pooling resources to perform work under the oversight of a single congregation or outside institution.
Residents of West Europe now can turn to outside institutions to protect human rights.
Many doctors in the area are specialists associated with teaching hospitals who refuse to be organized by an outside institution.
It is usually much cheaper for mildly and moderately disabled people to live outside institutions, largely because of lower labor costs.
These are used for events related to the museum as well as outside cultural institutions.
Analysts predict that other corporations will become their own banks, using outside institutions for only the most complex financial transactions.
To arrange expert lectures from outside institutions to train on employability skills.