The most controversial of outside evaluations involving outcome measurements are testing programmes and public examination results.
With the help of outside evaluations, Stephen was given a diagnosis of a language-based learning disability, A.D.H.D. and deficient executive functioning.
First, the government needs an outside evaluation that will be impartial.
An outside evaluation of the changes, made by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, was positive, and in late December the commission gave Pilgrim permission to reopen.
These outside evaluations are strictly confidential.
Most students, surveyed in an outside evaluation, said the laptops have helped them, especially with writing and research projects.
A new outside evaluation of the stock's worth will be needed each year, Mr. Todd said, to allocate the shares properly.
Parents need to consider outside evaluations and consult with others.
A price of about $1.5 million was asked at one point, and various outside evaluations of the material's value were conducted.
Under legislation passed last year, California offers $500,000 each to districts that create all-boys and all-girls academies with equal facilities, and arrange for an outside evaluation of their pilot program.