In practice, the position is often filled by a very senior employee close to retirement, or by an outside attorney or accountant.
Others have a contractual relationship, much like outside attorneys or accountants.
There is a culture of reluctance to permit outside attorneys to practice.
Your staff, when asked to clarify the status of that individual in the past, refuses to answer the question and refers it to an outside attorney.
Thomas' opponents also challenged his decision to spend $27 million on outside attorneys, including Thomas' former employer, Dennis Wilenchik.
But for its dealings with the bank board, it got what one person close to the talks called "extremely valuable" aid from an outside attorney, Norman Raiden.
I may have to pay outside attorney's'fees; depending upon what you want done.
But other outside attorneys questioned the sentences, in light of harsher punishments given in similar cases in the past.
For those cases Legal Aid will guarantee a lawyer for every defendant, no longer passing up cases that the outside private attorneys must pick up.
Instead, Mr. Keating, who is 67 years old, said he had assigned members of his staff and his outside attorneys to cooperate with the Government.