The accusations against Mr. Skilling range from outright criminal violations that significantly affected reported profits to more subtle earnings-management techniques widespread in corporate America in the 1990's.
This was an outright violation of international law.
In Tunis, a spokesman for the P.L.O. said the refusal to grant a visa to Mr. Arafat was "an outright violation of the American obligation to the United Nations."
American armed forces operating on Brazilian soil was an outright violation of international law.
Generally, cassation is based not on outright violations of law, but on diverging interpretations of law between the courts.
That's just an outright violation of common sense.
At the time, a furious Pierson described the tactic as "an outright violation of Academy rules" and said that "the reaction among our membership has been real dismay, anger and outrage."
They are probably right, because the law has been so weakened that it is virtually impossible to find an outright violation.
Without stronger enforcement power, the report says, the agency will not be able to deter anticompetitive behavior or outright violations of market rules.
During October, all hopes of a continued cooperation were drained away in sporadic bickering and outright violations of agreements.