Until they give us instructions, try everything possible to avoid outright hostilities.
Everybody also knows that the two communities tend to view each other warily, if not with outright hostility.
On one level, the film can be seen as the director's declaration of independence from, if not outright hostility toward, the Hollywood system.
But a lack of support, and sometimes outright hostility, from elections officials is a significant factor.
Much of that solidarity with America has morphed into outright hostility.
They also say there may be outright hostility to waterfront growth among some environmental officials.
The proposals met with skepticism from some Republicans but little outright hostility.
In the town hall meetings across the country, there is little outright hostility to the contract.
Still, he did not expect the outright hostility he got.
For most of those years he had faced cold indifference or outright hostility.