This program is now recognized nationally as an exemplary, multi-faceted outreach initiative.
The summer schools are one of a number of outreach initiatives aimed at encouraging young people from poorer backgrounds to apply to university.
Proceeds will go toward musical outreach initiatives and vocal music performance.
He also said he would formulate plans about how to pursue his outreach initiative over the next couple of weeks.
"I just completed an outreach initiative to 21 institutions across the state that we've funded," Dr. Lomax said.
There is a dedicated page for key outreach initiatives such as live cruise diaries, open days, schools activities etc.
Through international outreach initiatives, such as business development missions outside the U.S. and receiving foreign trade delegations.
Sesame Street: Talk, Listen, Connect is an educational outreach initiative designed to support military families during time of deployment.
The program was an outreach initiative which brought together hundreds of residents, elected officials, developers and other participants of various workshops.
In addition to proposed reform bills, alternative routes to improving health coverage rates have been sought, namely via the means of direct immigrant outreach initiatives.