But this was an outrageous idea, considering no one had even launched a rocket into outer space yet.
Her lover was almost chuckling with amusement at the outrageous idea.
The film is desperate for a dozen other outrageous ideas to enliven the scenario.
What would ever give you such an outrageous idea?
He and his brother had laughed at the silly speculations, convincing each other how outrageous such ideas could be.
Wasn't late-20th-century American art strange, with its insane variety, outlandish forms and outrageous ideas?
Some of these outrageous ideas include the possibility to sell one's vote or that the poor should consume recycled human waste.
That was an outrageous idea, and it made me want to play the part.
This is not an outrageous idea; it's perfectly true.
A college campus is where one expects to hear outrageous and offensive ideas.