He often hoisted himself on his own words, and the accumulation of deceptions and outrageous comments finally did him in.
People are very interested, and I resent your lack of respect and your outrageous comments.
They should accept diversity and develop thick skin and tolerance for outrageous comments which ordinary people express.
The pair sidle up to customers with outrageous and suggestive comments.
This gender balance gave Melville a bad rap among some feminists and no doubt his more outrageous comments didn't help.
"There have been some very outrageous comments about detention," Mr. Nelson said.
"Howard's fans will listen through every commercial wondering whether he is going to interrupt with an outrageous comment," Mr. Wallace said.
Others have rolled their eyes when Fassel has made his outrageous comments.
But if someone starts making outrageous comments and playing the fool, the reporters will come running.
Mr. Marino said the suggestion that he did not want a Republican governor was "an outrageous comment, silly really."