Had I remained in my proper position, such an outrageous attack would not have occurred.
Then we were confronted with an outrageous partisan attack.
In particular, who might be behind such an outrageous attack?
What do you mean by this outrageous attack?
Hitler murdered a bunch of prisoners, put them in uniforms at the communications station, and declared that an outrageous attack had occurred.
25 Imagine that: "unconditional support" foran entire week after the most outrageous terrorist attack in history!
The more outrageous, shocking, unexpected and attention-grabbing an attack is, the greater its success.
In reality, it is an outrageous attack on democracy.
You will all remember with horror the outrageous attack at the time of the old bishop's funeral, when one brave wizard was able to save us.
And she asserted that the White House was being subjected to "outrageous attack" fueled by payoffs made to the people making the accusations.