Since he was released more than a year ago, he has traveled hundreds of miles to return about every other month for outpatient therapy.
In 2004, it was one of the first hospitals to offer year-round outpatient therapy without closing for holidays.
Only 4 percent of the people with insurance coverage for outpatient therapy use it when it is free.
I'll let you know how it works out and how I get on with the outpatient therapy.
But by age five, after extensive outpatient therapy, she had recovered her faculties completely.
There are the "wait-listed kids," waiting months for outpatient therapy or case management.
The services shifted primarily to outpatient therapy and numbers decreased.
This is particularly upsetting because there was no rising costs problem in outpatient therapy without managed care.
When the costs of inhaler machines and labor are taken into account, the annual cost could run to $2,100 for outpatient therapy.
David will continue to receive outpatient therapy at the hospital three times a week.