The catapults flung their stones and the siege towers were lined with archers who kept a steady fire on the outlaw camp.
The deerhounds had followed her trail from the castle and ended up sniffing around the base of the tree where she'd been observing the outlaw camp.
That his bow and quiver were slung on his back was no different from any other man in the outlaw camp, either.
He ran the outlaw camp with organization and discipline.
They were killed so that someone could either get in or get out of the outlaw camp undetected.
"A spy in the outlaw camp," Coil answered, suddenly un- sure.
A spy in the outlaw camp apparently betrayed it.
She had dreamt again the night before, in the outlaw camp not far from the plateau where they had been captured.
And then we'd have no choice but to find that outlaw camp and do a little raiding-which is something I wish I'd thought of sooner.
Leaving Singing Mountain, broke and without food, he had come upon an outlaw camp on the site of Sand Springs.