People were lining up in the travel offices, in the freight offices, hoping to find a place on an outgoing ship, never mind the destination.
After another three weeks of screening incoming and outgoing ships, the transport received orders to load passengers to capacity and return home.
The log had data concerning incoming and outgoing ships that traveled in- system during Needa's watches on the station.
Robot City was absolutely unable to deal with incoming or outgoing ships in any form.
Four hours before the actual closing procedure begins, incoming and outgoing ships are warned.
She must know something about the schedule of incoming and outgoing ships, how things are organized and guarded, and so on.
I suppose the only choice we have now is to run for the spaceport and hope to sneak aboard an outgoing ship before they think to stop us.
If there are pirates around Sol, they must find it much easier to locate an outgoing ship.
Of six outgoing ships, five vanished after reporting that they were about to enter hyperdrive.