As the outgoing commissioner in 1984, Kuhn picked the wrong place at the wrong time in resuming his career as a lawyer.
Pete Rozelle, the outgoing commissioner, said in a news conference afterward that none of the four finalists was close to the 19 votes of 28 needed for approval.
'We are to pick up five outgoing commissioners!'
The outgoing commissioners must, among their last acts, evaluate the Hunters Point redevelopment plan on the Queens side of the East River.
Charles S. Mechem, the outgoing commissioner of the Ladies Professional Golf Association, has effected a great deal during his five-year tenure.
"This is a natural changing of the guard," said Mr. O'Rourke, adding that three of the outgoing commissioners are taking a special opportunity for early retirement.
Peter V. Ueberroth, the outgoing commissioner of baseball, allowed that he was in favor of continuing to sell beer at games and was basically against drug testing.
Baseball investigators contacted Janszen within days after Rose met with the outgoing and incoming commissioners in New York and denied that he bet on baseball games.
It's the Last One for . . . Pete Rozelle, outgoing commissioner.
Pete Rose visited the outgoing and incoming commissioners, and according to one source discussed a gambling matter.