The many outer satellites are probably wandering asteroids that were captured by gravity.
"Energy's always useful, but the outer satellites should be able to generate what they need, now."
Zo was interested in seeing the outer satellites, so it was easy to agree.
In contrast, the outer natural satellites of the gas giants (irregular satellites) are too far away to have become locked.
It is the innermost of the outer irregular retrograde satellites of Jupiter, and does not seem to belong to any group.
That turned out to be the case, although its orbit, like those of the other outer satellites, is highly irregular and millions of miles from the planet.
Even some of the outer satellites, which are far easier to reach, haven't been visited because it hardly seemed worth while to waste the rocket fuel.
Common on the outer satellites, of course, but don't ask me what it's doing here...' 'Visual contact lost.
Notable exceptions are the irregular outer satellites of the gas giant planets, which orbit much farther away than the large well-known moons.
The outer and inner satellites are about 5 km and 3 km in diameter, respectively.