"Do you have any idea why you ended up where you would have frozen into a cold cometary lump in some forsaken outer orbit?"
In the white material," he said, "bonding extends deeper than the outer orbits of the electrons, down deep into the shell.
More than likely, they had assumed an outer orbit and would look for life-signs- life-signs they wouldn't find.
Replies: I think there are some perturbations of outer planetary orbits that might suggest the possibility of another planet beyond Pluto.
He calls these places, like Ontario and Valencia in the outer orbit of Los Angeles, "compromise locations."
Knowledgeable people on the outer orbits of the royal circle say they believe that there are real strains in the marriage, but that a split is unlikely.
When these expelled elements reached the outer orbits, the strength of the solar wind dropped off.
This planetary formation theory presumes that gas giants always occur in a solar system's outer orbits.
Both outer and inner orbits are nearly circular and, probably, coplanar (in keeping with a general tendency of close triple systems).
He knew that spiral arms are spiral because in the nature of things, outer orbits are slower than inner orbits.